#EarthDefendersToolkit Seed bank

Kakawa: The offline Earth Defenders Toolkit device

For many of our grassroots partners, often Indigenous c […]

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Explore Terrastories! Local stories for a wider public

Communities around the world have been using Terrastori […]

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[Video] What is the Earth Defenders Toolkit?

At a time when threats to Indigenous Peoples and their […]

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[Video] Women Earth Defenders protecting the land

Indigenous women play a key role in land defense strate […]

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Train the Trainers methodology, with Jen Castro

The Train the Trainers methodology is a tool for empowering communities to build confidence and skills in a culturally relevant and accessible way while promoting as much autonomy and sustainability as possible.

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Training in digital tools should be accompanied by training in basic tech literacy

To remedy the high learning curve that comes with understanding information technology, trainings focused on using a digital tool should be accompanied by training in basic tech literacy focused on components of this broader ecosystem in which the tool lives.

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Figuring out how to get started: the territory as a point of departure

A common theme that has come out of conversations with partners about earth defender needs is figuring out where and how to get started. Many earth defender communities are aware of the emerging threats or problems within their community or their lands, but are less sure about what kind of actions to take, and rarely start directly from the point of view of wanting to make a map or conducting monitoring. Instead, it may be necessary to start thinking more broadly and to ground the conversation in something central to the lifeworld of the community: the territory.

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Mapping can be an effective way to teach and strengthen information technology skills

In our research and years of accompanying partner communities in using digital technologies, we have found that mapping can be one of the most effective ways of building skills in using technology, because mapping already involves something that community members already have quite a lot of knowledge about: the territory, lands, and waters.

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Mapping projects can help revitalize processes of traditional knowledge transmission

Because mapping projects invariably involve conversations about the land or water, they can help restart processes of knowledge transmission that have become stilted due to these influences of modernity or colonialism, and allow communities to record and archive local knowledge.

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EDToolkit Seed bank ?: Mapping tools are among the most powerful technologies for earth defenders

Maps made by earth defender communities are a representation of their lands from their point of view, and frequently present a much different picture than the maps made by the outside world. ?️

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