Earth Defenders Gallery

The Earth Defenders Gallery is an open space for the community to contribute media content about work on the frontlines. These could be still images or video documentaries of communities taking action, useful guides or tutorials about a tool or a methodology, uplifting or inspiring content to help keep spirits high, or anything else in the broad realm of earth defender work.
August 5, 2021: Patrol the Leuser Ecosystem with Forest Defenders at HAkA - HAkA describes their work using forest monitoring technology to protect Indonesia's Leuser ecosystem against deforestation.
Contributor: Global Forest Watch (https://globalforestwatch.org)
Video Available
Contributor: Global Forest Watch (https://globalforestwatch.org)
August 5, 2021
Patrol the Leuser Ecosystem with Forest Defenders at HAkA
August 5, 2021: The Indigenous Monitors of Vista Hermosa Take Action - In the Peruvian Amazon, indigenous communities have begun using satellite technology to monitor and patrol their communal forests. The village of Vista Hermosa was able to halt illegal deforestation and drive coca producers off their land.
Contributor: Global Forest Watch (https://globalforestwatch.org)
Video Available
Contributor: Global Forest Watch (https://globalforestwatch.org)
August 5, 2021
The Indigenous Monitors of Vista Hermosa Take Action
July 23, 2021: Opi Nenquimo on the Waorani mapping process in Ecuador - Opi Nenquimo on the Waorani mapping process in Ecuador
Contributor: Alianza Ceibo (https://www.alianzaceibo.org/)
Video Available
Contributor: Alianza Ceibo (https://www.alianzaceibo.org/)
July 23, 2021
Opi Nenquimo on the Waorani mapping process in Ecuador
July 23, 2021: Dawn Martin Hill (Mohawk) on the Ohneganos Indigenous mapping & storytelling project at Six Nations -
Contributor: Ohneganos (https://www.ohneganos.com/)
Video Available
Contributor: Ohneganos (https://www.ohneganos.com/)
July 23, 2021
Dawn Martin Hill (Mohawk) on the Ohneganos Indigenous mapping & storytelling project at Six Nations
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July 19, 2021: Zambia: Guardians of Eden Manual -
Contributor: Ian Manning (https://ipa-manning.com/)
PDF Available
July 19, 2021: Zambia: Guardians of Eden Manual -
Contributor: Ian Manning (https://ipa-manning.com/)
July 19, 2021
Zambia: Guardians of Eden Manual
June 25, 2021: The Shuar Arutam People Defend the Ecuadorian Amazon - ? For two decades, and assembly after assembly, the 47 communities of the Pueblo Shuar Arutam have said #NoToMining on their territory.
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
Video Available
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
June 25, 2021
The Shuar Arutam People Defend the Ecuadorian Amazon
June 25, 2021: Mexico: Indigenous Community in Júba Wajiín Stops Mining on Their Land - The indigenous community in San Miguel del Progreso, also known as Júba Wajiín in the indigenous language of Me'phaa, won a landmark victory in May 2016, protecting their land from a proposed mining project that was approved without their consent.
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
Video Available
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
June 25, 2021
Mexico: Indigenous Community in Júba Wajiín Stops Mining on Their Land
June 25, 2021: ¿Qué es la Escuela de Comunicación Tierra y Territorio? - La Sandía Digital y WITNESS realizaron la primera edición de la escuela en los meses de junio a diciembre de 2019.
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
Video Available
Contributor: Witness (https://www.witness.org/)
June 25, 2021
¿Qué es la Escuela de Comunicación Tierra y Territorio?
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June 25, 2021: Diagnóstico participativo: Tejer las voces, defender la vida. El papel de la comunicación en la defensa del territorio en México - ¿Qué se entiende por comunicación dentro de los movimientos de defensa de los territorios? ¿Qué narrativas hegemónicas existen? ¿Qué narrativas han tenido más impacto y por qué? Publicación resultado del diagnóstico participativo sobre la comunicación y la defensa del territorio realizado por La Sandía Digital y WITNESS entre mayo y noviembre de 2018.
Contributor: ()
PDF Available
June 25, 2021: Diagnóstico participativo: Tejer las voces, defender la vida. El papel de la comunicación en la defensa del territorio en México - ¿Qué se entiende por comunicación dentro de los movimientos de defensa de los territorios? ¿Qué narrativas hegemónicas existen? ¿Qué narrativas han tenido más impacto y por qué? Publicación resultado del diagnóstico participativo sobre la comunicación y la defensa del territorio realizado por La Sandía Digital y WITNESS entre mayo y noviembre de 2018.
Contributor: ()
June 25, 2021
Diagnóstico participativo: Tejer las voces, defender la vida. El papel de la comunicación en la defensa del territorio en México
June 22, 2021: Mapeo use for Disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Thailand - News clip from Thail PBS News channel about Mapeo use for Disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Thailand.
Contributor: Open Development Initiative, Mekong (https://opendevelopmentmekong.net/)
Video Available
Contributor: Open Development Initiative, Mekong (https://opendevelopmentmekong.net/)
June 22, 2021
Mapeo use for Disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Thailand
June 22, 2021: Indigenous-led Mapping Project with Amazon Frontlines - A new Indigenous-led movement, supported by One Earth partner Amazon Frontlines, trains Indigenous communities to use satellites, drones, and GPS to digitally map the Amazon Rainforest. With this monitoring, extractive industries in the region can be detected and deterred.
Contributor: One Earth (https://onearth.org)
Video Available
Contributor: One Earth (https://onearth.org)
June 22, 2021
Indigenous-led Mapping Project with Amazon Frontlines
June 22, 2021: Meet the Equator Prize Winners 2020 - Presenting the 2020 winners of the Equator Prize. Each of the 10 winners represents outstanding community and Indigenous initiatives that are advancing nature-based solutions for local sustainable development.
Contributor: One Earth (https://onearth.org)
Video Available
Contributor: One Earth (https://onearth.org)
June 22, 2021
Meet the Equator Prize Winners 2020
June 19, 2021: AJ Plus: Indigenous People Fighting Oil with Tech - Decades of oil drilling have severely contaminated the land occupied by Ecuador's Waorani indigenous people. With the help of Digital Democracy, an NGO that supports marginalized communities in using technology to defend their rights, the Waorani are putting up a strong fight against the companies drilling for oil in the rainforest.
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
Video Available
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
June 19, 2021
AJ Plus: Indigenous People Fighting Oil with Tech
April 14, 2021: An Interview with Tessa Felix, Wapichan Forest Monitor - “My grandfather presented his land claim to the Queen in 1967. He had a passion for securing our land rights, our heritage, our life.”
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
Video Available
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
April 14, 2021
An Interview with Tessa Felix, Wapichan Forest Monitor
April 14, 2021: We Built a Drone - In the Rupununi Savannah in southern Guyana Digital Democracy worked with the local Wapichana and Makushi monitoring team to build a drone for community mapping and conservation monitoring.
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
Video Available
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
April 14, 2021
We Built a Drone
April 14, 2021: What does Earth Defender mean to you? - Jamboard from an Earth Defenders Toolkit session at the 2020 Indigenous Mapping Workshop.
Contributor: Indigenous Mapping Workshop (https://indigenousmaps.com)
Contributor: Indigenous Mapping Workshop (https://indigenousmaps.com)
April 14, 2021
What does Earth Defender mean to you?
April 14, 2021: “Our land is not for sale” Waorani Resistance in Ecuador - Explore a beautiful interactive map which tells the story of the Waorani and how they resisted the declaration of new oil concessions in their territory: https://waoresist.amazonfrontlines.org/
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
Contributor: Digital Democracy (https://digital-democracy.org)
April 14, 2021
“Our land is not for sale” Waorani Resistance in Ecuador